01  /   The Beginning

Transforming reading the way sound transformed silent film

Booktrack was established in 2011 by Auckland brothers and entrepreneurs Paul and Mark Cameron.  Their technology adds music and other ambient audio to novels or short stories being read on tablet devices.  The software tracks a user's reading speed and adjusts the pace of the audio or music when each page is turned.

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The idea attracted the support of investors.

01  /  The Outcome

The idea attracted the support of investors, with Sparkbox Ventures backing the company along with noted US investor Peter Thiel (who co-founded Paypal and was an early Facebook investor), Stephen Tindall’s K1W1, and NZVIF.

The investment has funded the company’s thrust into the North American- where it has a San Francisco office - Asian and European markets. The company is working with Google to launch a web-based studio where users can add their own soundtrack to novels, short stories or even blog posts.